Welcome to Adept Research
Please note: The State of The Victorian Bar Survey for 2023 is now CLOSED. Once again thank you to all the barristers who participated in it.
Once again, we sincerely appreciate your time in completing this survey. It will be in three parts and take approximately 12-15 minutes to complete. All answers are strictly confidential.
Part 1) Work practices
Part 2) Health and wellbeing
Part 3) Demographic information
If you have any difficulties completing the survey, please contact Duncan Buchanan, Director of Adept Research, by email at duncan@adeptresearch.com.au
Q1. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, has there been any change to the timing of when you are briefed by solicitors?

Some of these questions will ask you to type in a percentage number. Please do so in the boxes provided to the right.
Q2. For 2022/23, what was the approximate percentage of days you were in and out of court? (This should amount to 100%)

Q3. For 2022/23, what was the approximate percentage of your time spent working in regional Victoria? This can include both in court and out of court activities.

Q4. For 2022/23, what was the approximate percentage allocation of your time by practice area?(This should amount to 100%)

Q5. Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, are you currently receiving briefs at a pre-pandemic level?

Q6. For 2022/23, what was the approximate percentage allocation of your billable time by client type? (This should amount to 100%)

Q7. For 2022/23, what was the approximate percentage allocation of your billable time by brief type? (This should amount to 100%)

Q8. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, has your ability to accept briefs increased due to the use of online video conferencing facilities and online court appearances?

Q9. What percentage of time did you spend working from home pre- and post-pandemic?

Q10. Approximately, how many hours of pro bono work for clients have you undertaken in the last 6 months?

Q11. Approximately how many hours of volunteer work have you undertaken for either the Victorian Bar or community service organisations in the last 12 months?

Q12. Have you given any pro bono advice with respect to section 18 (compellability) or section 128 (privilege in respect of self-incrimination) of the Evidence Act 2008 in the last 12 months? If yes, approximately how many hours have you spent on those matters?

Q13. In the last six months, when you have been briefed to appear with a leader or junior, approximately what percentage of those barristers were: (This should amount to 100%)

Q14. In the last six months, by seniority and gender, what percentage of barristers did you recommend be briefed? (This should amount to 100%)

Here are a series of statements concerning health and wellbeing. We acknowledge that this is a sensitive topic. So we once again confirm the confidentiality of any answers that you may choose to provide here. Also if there are any questions that make you feel uncomfortable, then feel free to skip over them and move onto the next question.
Quality of life
Q15. I am content with my life in general.

Q16. I am content with my life as a barrister.

Q17. My colleagues understand and try to help me with pressures outside of work.

Q18. The Victorian Bar understands and tries to help me with pressures outside of work.

Q19. I am generally happy with my ability to do my work.

Q20. I feel involved in decisions that affect me at work.

Q21. I am happy with my work conditions.

Q22. I experience stress at work.

Q23. I have access to ways of dealing with workplace stress.

Q24. I am satisfied with the overall quality of my working life.

Workplace wellbeing
Q25. Given my experience, I am paid fairly for the job that I do.

Q26. I enjoy my work.

Q27. I get a sense of achievement from doing my job.

Q28. I can get the sleep I need every night.

Q29. I am satisfied with my job as a whole.

Personal wellbeing
Q30. I am strongly self-critical.

Q31. I feel emotionally strong and resilient and can recognise and manage the things that cause me stress.

Q32. I have confidence in my work and can be trusted to deliver work.

Mental health
We acknowledge that this is a sensitive topic. We once again confirm the confidentiality of any answers that you may choose to provide here. Also, if there are any questions that make you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to skip over them and move on to the next question.
How would you respond to the following statements?
Q33. My job impacts on my mental health in a positive way.

Q34. Can you please elaborate on this answer for us?

Q35. I have strategies to care for my mental health at work.

Q36. Can you elaborate on this answer for us?

Q37. I feel there are ways the Victorian Bar could better support barristers' mental health.

Q38. In my view, the top three things that the Victorian Bar could do to better support barristers' mental health are (can be less than three if you prefer):

Q39. I would be interested in participating in events organised by the Bar to improve my workplace mental health, such as: (you can selected more than one answer):

Open question
Q40. How could your quality of work life be improved?

Demographic information and Diversity at the Bar.
Once again, we reiterate that all answers are confidential.
Q41. Years' call

Q42. Age

Gender and identity
Q43. How do you identify:

Q44. I identify as LGBTIQ+:

Q45. If yes, I do so on the basis of:

Cultural diversity
Q46. I am of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage:

Q47. I was born in...

Q48. My parent(s), guardian(s) or caregiver(s) were born in...

Q49. I identify culturally as...

Q50. I speak the following languages at home:

Q51. My religion is...

Socio-economic diversity
Q52. I attended the following schooling: (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q53. My taxable personal income range for the financial year ending 30 June 2023 was:

Q54. I am financially responsible for persons outside my household.

Q55. I was the first person in my family (including parents, adoptive parents or guardians, step-parents, siblings, grandparents) to have: (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Caring responsibilities/disability
Q56. I have caring responsibilities described as: (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q57. I identify as a person with a disability that is: (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Workplace Bullying
Q58. In the last 12 months, do you believe you have been subjected to any of the following (all within the meaning of the Legal Profession Uniform Conduct (Barristers) Rules 2015)? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q59. If you chose more than one answer, please refer to the most recent example here. Was the person responsible for that conduct from within, or external to the Bar?

Q60. If the person was from within the Bar, were they

What was the gender and approximate age of the person who behaved that way?
Q61. Gender

Q62. Age group

Q63. If yes, what did you experience? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q64. If you experienced discrimination, in your opinion was it based on? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q65. Thinking back over the past 5 years, did you experience any of the following? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

As you see what happens around you.
Q66. In the last 12 months, have you witnessed any of the following forms of inappropriate behaviour? (You can choose more than answer)

Q67. If you chose more than one answer, please describe the most recent example here. Was the person responsible for that conduct from within, or external to the Bar?

Q68. If the person was from within the Bar, were they:

What was the gender and approximate age of the person who behaved in that way?
Q69. Gender

Q70. Age group

Q71. If yes, what did you witness? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q72. Thinking back over the past 5 years, did you witness any of the following? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Q73. Have you experienced and/or witnessed judicial bullying over the course of your career?

Q74. If yes to the above, when did you experience and/or witness judicial bullying?

Q75. What was the jurisdiction where the conduct occurred? (You can choose more than one answer)

Q76. Are there are other comments you would like to make regarding the state of the Victorian Bar?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Once you are satisfied with your answers, please click submit.